
When you click on a deal that you saw on trivago, we redirect you to the booking site to complete your reservation. After you make the payment to the booking site, you will receive a confirmation email at the email address used for the booking. This confirmation email from the booking site includes all details about your reservation, as well as contact details of your stay and how to contact the booking site’s customer service.

  • How to cancel or change my reservation?

    To cancel or change your reservation, please contact the booking site directly. You can find the booking site’s contact details in your confirmation email.

    If you can’t find your booking confirmation, we recommend checking your spam folder first. If you still cannot find it, we recommend a few simple tips for you!

    Still need help? Check the information we offer on contacting the booking site.

  • Where is my booking confirmation?

    Sometimes it can take up to 72 hours for the booking confirmation to be received at your email address.

    Did not receive anything yet?

    Check your spam folder - In most cases, the confirmation email is already received there.

    If you still haven't received it, please contact the booking site you used, they will be able to assist you.

    Can’t remember the name of the booking site?

    If you made the payment to the booking site already, then you can check the payment transaction on your credit card or bank statement. The name of the booking site will show on the outgoing payment.

    Here we offer a few more tips to help you find out who you booked with!

    • Try searching your email for keywords relating to your planned trip; the booking confirmation email might be in your spam folder.
    • Try checking your internet browser history for the day you booked, the booking site should appear right after trivago in your browser history.

    Still need help? Check the information we offer on contacting the booking site.

  • Contacting the booking site

    When you complete your reservation and payment, your booking transaction is processed by the booking site. Therefore, they are best suited for answering all your booking related questions and help you manage your reservation.

    If you haven’t booked yet, they can help answer all your questions on how to contact the property and enquire about its amenities and policies, as well as payment and room options.


    💡 If you made a reservation already but can’t remember the name of the booking site, we recommend checking the payment transaction on your credit card/ bank statement, the name of the booking site will show on the outgoing payment. We also offer more tips on finding which booking site you used, you may check them out in this article.


    Do you need help reaching the customer service at the booking site?

    You can use our handy search form that links directly to booking site’s support page in 2 easy steps!

    1. Scroll down, or type the name of the booking site
    2. When you find the booking site you booked with, click on it and you’ll be taken to their support page directly.


    If you still need help, please let us know and we’ll do our best to bring you into contact with the booking site’s customer service team.

    • Why doesn’t the property have my reservation?

      Before arriving at the property

      It can sometimes take a few days for the booking site to communicate your reservation details to the property. If your reservation still isn’t showing up after this time or your stay is scheduled sooner than that, the booking site will be able to assist you.

      Upon arrival at the property

      In this case, please contact the booking site directly. They are responsible for booking and payment processes, so they are in the best position to help.
      The booking site’s contact details can be found in your booking confirmation email.

      Still need help? Check the information we offer on contacting the booking site.

    • Who do I contact about a refund or an invoicing enquiry?

      If you would like to enquire about a refund or anything to do with your invoice, please contact the booking site directly. They are responsible for booking and payment processes, so they are in the best position to help you. The booking site’s contact details can be found in your booking confirmation email.

      Still need help? Check the information we offer on contacting the booking site.

    • How can I submit a review or feedback on my stay?

      You can share your experience with other travellers and review the property directly at the booking site. As they manage your reservation, they will be able to assist you with any feedback on your stay.

      For further information on how trivago incorporates your ratings and reviews, please see the information in this link.

      Still need help? Check the information we offer on contacting the booking site.